Patient Participation Group (PPG)
PPG members work with their practice to help ensure the best possible experience for its patients. The role of a PPG can include:
- being a critical friend to the practice
- advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
- encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
- carrying out research into the views of those who use the practice
- organising health promotion events
- regular communication with the patients registered with the GP practice

Why does a Practice need a PPG?
- It is a contractual requirement of practices to have a PPG.
- PPG’s have a key role to play as they help ensure that patients and their carers can influence their local services.
- PPGs support the practice in developing services to ensure the needs and wishes of the patient population are met.
Structure of the PPG Committee
A typical PPG committee comprises of a:
- chair person
- vice chair
- secretary
- treasurer (optional)
- In addition to the committee the PPG will comprise of up to 20 members.
- Members can be part of the face-to-face or virtual PPGs.
- Members of the PPG who cease to be registered at the practice, will cease to be a member of the practice PPG with immediate effect.
PPG membership
- be registered as either a patient or carer of a patient at the practice
- remain objective
- work collaboratively
- listen to views of the group
- adhere to the terms of reference for PPG members
- commit to the 7 principles of life: Selflessness, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Honesty and Leadership
What do members do?
PPG members:
- liaise with patients and carers, discussing concerns and comments pertinent to practice services
- champion the PPG, actively engaging with the patient population and local community
- attend and contribute to meetings
- remain objective throughout meetings
- represent the patient population effectively, expressing the views of the population objectively
What happens at meetings and when do they occur?
PPG meetings:
- take place at least quarterly
- follow an agenda (issued by the secretary)
- are a forum to discuss patient issues, concerns, suggestions etc.
- an opportunity to listen to speakers from the practice about developments or initiatives which will affect the patient population
- an opportunity for members to represent the patient population
We are looking for enthusiastic people to join our PPG to help shape the future of Tavyside Health Centre and Lifton Surgery.
Patients or carers interested in joining the PPG can email to express an interest.
Alternatively you can call the Practice and ask to speak with Jonathan.