Please remember to allow at least three working days from the time of ordering your prescription to collecting it.
Tavyside Health Centre does not accept prescription requests over the telephone, further information on order your prescriptions can be found below.
If you collect your medication from Lifton Dispensary, you can telephone them on 01566 784428 between 2pm and 5pm.

Ordering a Prescription
Every prescription that is ordered must be checked and signed by a Doctor.
Patients who are on long-term medication, may order a repeat prescription without making an appointment to see their doctor each time. However, we will still want to see you on a regular basis for reviews. We have a dedicated prescription clerk team who deal with compliance and ensuring patients are attending for their reviews.
Patients can use the NHS App on their Smartphone, Tablet, Desktop or Laptop to order their repeat prescriptions.
The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App, which links directly to your prescription record at the Practice.
The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your:
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- Desktop or Laptop
If you don’t already have the NHS App you can download it:
Order your repeat prescription via our online Repeat Prescription form.
You don’t need an account to use our online form.
You can return your paper repeat prescription to us in person or by post.
If you’re unable to use the NHS App or our online form to order your repeat prescription, you can return your paper repeat prescription form to the practice in person or by post.
If you wish to return your repeat prescription in person, there is a prescription box located at the entrance to the practice. This box is emptied daily.
Alternatively, you can post your repeat prescription request to us at the practice.
Prescriptions Department
Tavyside Health Centre
Abbey Rise
If you collection from Lifton Surgery
Dispensary Department
Lifton Surgery
North Road
Please allow extra time for post to reach us when using this method of requesting a repeat prescription.
Prescription Clerks
Our prescription clerk team is led by Emma Steer, Operations Lead, who has years of experience and ensures patients have good medication compliance. Emma’s team consist of Esther and Natalie.
Their role is to support you and the doctors with Medicines Optimisation, a person-focused, holistic approach to getting to the best from NHS investment in the use of medicines. They aim to help people achieve improved outcomes, this can involve guidance about how to take appropriate medicines, how to reduce wastage and how to improve medicines safely. Esther and Natalie support the running of the repeat prescription process and work collaboratively with our local pharmacies. Esther and Natalie will be more than happy to speak with you should you have any enquiries.
You will often find that the team will be the ones who invite you for annual reviews and advise you when you need more blood tests or blood pressure reviews.

Over The Counter Medicines
Your GP, nurse or pharmacist will not generally give you a prescription for over the counter (OTC) medicines for a range of minor health concerns.
Prescribing Sustainably
General practice has the potential to make significant improvements to the environmental impact of healthcare in the UK in many areas, including in how we prescribe.
Use of Inhalers
One of the areas we are committed to is reducing the environmental impact of inhaler use.
Visit Green Inhaler for information on making your inhaler more environmentally friendly.
Things we are doing to try and minimise the environmental impact of inhaler use include:
- Ensuring correct diagnosis
- Maximising non drug treatments (for example, encouraging patients to stop smoking, increasing exercise etc)
- Where appropriate, prescribing dry powder inhalers
- Making every inhaler count, so where patients need to use a Metered Dose Inhaler, supporting them to ensure good technique is used and ensuring all doses in an inhaler are used
- Recycling inhalers (several pharmacies in Frome will take used inhalers from you for recycling – including St Aldhelm’s, Boots and ASDA. All these pharmacies take part in the GSK Asthma Inhaler Recycling Scheme)
- Providing information to patients about managing their inhaler stock at home
Reducing Polypharmacy and Over Prescribing
We are working with patients to look at the range of medicines they take and to make changes to their prescribing if appopriate.
We will only reduce medications in the best interest of the patient and may also be able to promote other ways you can help manage your condition, for example through diet, exercise and support groups. Using other forms of support can help reduce the need for, or the amount of, medication prescribed – which is good for you and good for the planet.
Reducing Prescribing of Opiates
We are working with patients to review their opioid use and reduce where possible.
This includes providing patients with advice on how they manage pain. Please contact us if you would like help and guidance in opioid reduction.
Reducing Prescribing of Over The Counter Medicines
Your GP, nurse or pharmacist will not generally give you a prescription for over the counter medicines for a range of minor health concerns.