Practice Policies
For information relating to accessing the surgery and accessibility arrangements.
Access to medical records
For information relating how to access your records or a deceased patient's records.
We are a breastfeeding friendly GP surgery
Chaperone Policy
For information on chaperones, please click here
This policy explains and enforces the obligations of Caldicott and confidentiality among the employees of Tavyside Health Centre.
To review our full complaints policy and procedure.
Did not attend
Information on patient who miss appointments.
Housebound Patients
Information for patients who are unable to leave their homes (housebound).
Infection Prevention Control (IPC)
For information relating to IPC policies and protocols and how we keep our patients safe when visiting.
National Data Opt-out
Choose if data from your health records is shared for research and planning
Out of Area Patients
For patients moving or residing outside of our Practice boundary.
For the Practice Privacy notice and Privacy information click here
Shared Care Agreements
Shared care agreements are formal arrangements where responsibility for a patient's medication is shared between a specialist consultant and a GP.
Zero Tolerance
NHS Staff must be able to come to work without fear of violence, abuse or harassment from patients.